Friday, April 4, 2014

Archiblog Manifesto 0.2

At this point, the Archiblog is intended to be an entirely self-indulgent experiment.  If you've clicked your way here, welcome, but this isn't going to be about you.  Posts will come as frequently, or infrequently, as I feel like writing about, something.  You'll find that topics range from the obvious (if you know me)--the wine industry, food, restaurants, cocktails, etc.--to the less obvious like infrastructure (it's very important).  I might just decide to rant about musicistas.  I really really dislike those fuckers.  So if you ended up here hoping to find a highly polished, hyper-focused blog, sorry.  That may come some day but for now, it is the exact opposite.  And that is by design.  The exact opposite of focus.  

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